Saint Marten (1)

1493-2010 colonial era

1493 11 november Spanish colony
1631 Part of Dutch West Indies colony
1633 Spanish colony Cibrian de Lizarazu
1636 Luis de Valdes
1638 Diego Guajardo Fajardo
1648 23 march Part of Dutch West Indies colony
1679 French colony
1685 chevalier de Rionville
1689 Part of Dutch West Indies colony
1690 British colony
1699 French colony Jean Dyel du Parquet
1701 Louis Cacqueray de Valmenière
1703 Part of Dutch West Indies colony
1779 24 february French colony
1781 3 february British colony
1781 27 november French colony Abraham Heijliger Pzn.
1783 Charles Chabert, Jr.
1784 Thomas Aertsen
1785 John Salomons Gibbes
1790 10 june Willem Hendrik Rink (I)
1793 18 may Part of Dutch West Indies colony
1795 29 april French colony La Bruyère -Commissioner
1797 P.Ch. Dormoy -Commissioner
1801 24 march British colony Robert Nicholson
1802 1 december Part of Dutch West Indies colony Willem Hendrik Rink (II)
1807 Jan Verveer Jzn.
1810 9 july British colony John Skinner
1813 James Alexander Farquharson (I)
1814 William McCaskill
1815 James Alexander Farquharson (II)
1815 Francis Edden
1815 Robert Douglas
1816 Part of Dutch West Indies colony

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